22:59 |
Author: sang pencari ilmu
The present discussion of the economics of Keynes forcoses on the forces which determine the volume of effective demand, an insufficiency of which leads to unemployment, and excess of which causes inflation. The plan has been to follow the outline of the "General theory" and to bring in at appropriate points the aspecsts of keynes's work which contribute to his fundamental position. Restatements and modifications made by keynes in articles after 1936 have been incorporated into his general theory, with the last statement being taken as definitive. The chapter on war and post war inflation is based mainly on keynes's How to Pay for The War (1940). In the concluding chapter, in an interpretation is given of the meaning and significance of keynes entire contribution to economic theory and policy.
The subject matter if this book is the economics of keynes rather than keynesian economics. The distinction is important. In recent years the scientific, as well as the not-so-scientific, literature in economics has been filled with books and articles refining, enlarging, critizing, and "refuting". What is now commonly referred to as "The New Economics". The positve contributions of other in this vast literature are important, but ini a book of this size and type is it not possible encompass the field of discussion and controversy. The basic idea behind this book is the need for simple and thorought exposition of the ideas of the one man who stands out above all others as the chief architect of The New Economics. The extent to which keynes dominates recent development in economics is indicated by the fact that The Keynessian Revolution is synonym for "The New Economics". Oscasionally in the test and in the text and in footnotes, some of the more important extensions and refinements of keynes work have been introduced, but there is no systematic attempt to survey the supplementary literature the numerous debates which have centered around keynes. For the benefit of readers who wish to pursue these issues further, a list of suggested readings is included for each chapter, as well as a bibiliography of keynes' own writings at the of the book.
The Economic of Keynes
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